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The attitude the way you see life.

by Agata Dzierżawa
The attitude the way you see life is a picture of a woman the museum.

Check your attitude – the way you see life.

How is it that you always see the world through rose-tinted spectacles? Why is Mary constantly rejecting all ideas?  And why does Mark still have to check everything? What is your attitude, the way you see life?

“Reality is a state of mind.  People don’t see life as it is . . . they see life as they are”.


In this article you will: 

  • Learn your attitude – the way you look at life. 
  • Find out whether you are a stoic, skeptic, cynic, pragmatist, idealist, spiritualist, or realist. 
  • Learn the main tip for each attitude.

Each of us sees and interprets life differently. As many people as many perspectives. One event and each of us perceive it differently. The best way to observe it is in the family by asking, for example, siblings about some childhood situation. Each of you will describe it completely differently. How do you find yourself in all this? And what does life really look like then? Who is right and who is not? And how to reconcile everyone here.

How does it happen, and where does it come from?

The way you see life is determined by another soul overlayattitude. Each of us has countless beliefs that influence how we define individual events and understand life. That’s why nobody agrees with everything.

New experiences are usually perceived in terms of what you have already experienced or what you, experienced in your opinion, which can make it difficult for you to have a truly new experience.  Going beyond the limiting ways of shaping your experiences is a great challenge. Usually, only a few people have the need to go outside the pre-established conclusions. For this reason, sometimes the intentions of the soul regarding what they want to learn at a given time in life are thwarted because you may get stuck in repetitive loops.

Attitude is the way in which personality shapes its experiences by putting them in context. If you do not frame your experiences mentally in one way or another, they will not matter, because they will be simply random experiences. The way you do it depends on how you experience it. 

Of course, all attitudes are subjective and limited in their own way, but none of them is better or worse.

7 types of attitudes.

There are 7 types of attitudes, and ways of seeing life.

Attitude 1: Stoicism.

This attitude is that a man sees life as if they had seen everything before. They maintain a certain degree of indifference and distance from the world. They is reconciled to all that meets them and accept the world as it is. This attitude is chosen by souls when the virtues needed to fulfill the plan of the soul are patience and perseverance. Stoic does not allow any experience to disturb their inner peace. They controls themself and maintains spiritual balance.  They does not exaggerate in any way. It is a way to shape life based on what you experience internally.

In a positive aspect, it is peace with regard to all experiences. In a negative, it is resignation, the assumption that suffering is inevitable, independent of real experience.

The greatest fear of the stoic is disappointment, that is, making hope, only to make it fall apart.


Watch out for attachment to your destiny. Be an optimist.

Attitude 2: Scepticism.

This attitude means that man sees life as if it could always be overthrown. They does not believe unless they checks for something themself. They refuses to accept false ideas, so they tests or reject them. Seeks caused-and-effect relations between things. They questions everything. They is a scoffer and an agnostic of the world. Their knowledge is limited only to objective knowledge. They only allows their own subjective observations. For extreme skeptics only scientific, physical evidence counts, and only the material zone is considered real. They reject theology and philosophy.

In a positive sense, this is a test – checking the validity of ideas. In negative suspicion, unjust doubt, without prior checking, and sometimes even paranoia.


Try to look for a world of unifying factors, such as the fact that the universe works according to some law, not chaotically. This will allow you to avoid excessive suspicion.

Attitude 3: Cynicism.

A man with this attitude sees life as the opposite of what it seems to be. The cynic sees events as “not right” until it is proven otherwise. They does not hesitate to express their disapproval and undermines everything. Cynics are individualists or renegades. They despise fashion, and ignore trends. They have a problem with respect because they do not give it automatically. The advantage of them is that they always look for an alternative that has the least chance of success.

In a positive sense, it is negation, or denial of unlikely claims, constructive criticism. They offer an alternative to any suggestion. In the negative, the denigration or criticizing unjustly for no reason. And sometimes even contempt for the world.

The biggest concern of a cynic is being amazed by something that looks good, but in reality, it leads to destruction.


Try to look at everything and find things that are respectable. Try to follow them instead of automatically resisting everything.

Attitude 4: Pragmatism.

This attitude in which man sees life practically through the right logical attitude. It is a combination of all six attitudes that take away the world in a somewhat distorted way, seeing better only certain aspects of life. Pragmatist sees the world in a way that is relatively free of distortions. As a well-functioning system, the place of all kinds of experiences. Pragmatists deal with matters purposefully and functionally. They have no prejudices against any particular point of view.

In a positive sense, this is practicality, logic, and competence i.e. finding what works in every new situation. In the negative sense, dogmatism, or the assumption that what worked in the past will also work now.

The greatest fear of the pragmatist is the fear of being wrong or ignorant.


Try to experiment with a look at life from the point of view of other attitudes, so that you can gain a new perspective on what is really happening.

Attitude 5: Idealism.

This attitude in which man sees life as if it could always be improved. They imagine a reality in terms of ideas that express a sense of perfection or inherent capabilities. They look for the meaning of life and see it everywhere. Idealists look for connections at a time they perceive as significant coincidences. They do not believe in the randomness of the world. Idealists project their picture to the outside world, which is good if their image is an accurate reflection of reality, but problematic when the image is a result of their fantasy.

In a positive sense, it is the ability to combine ideals with reality. Generate ideas to understand many things. In a negative aspect, it’s naivety, unreal expectations, and dissatisfaction with reality.

The greatest fear of idealists is the fear of ugliness and evil that do not match their ideal world.
This is one of the most popular attitudes. It occurs in 20% of the population.


Go down to the ground, and open your eyes for things you would rather not see. Get to know the real world with its ugliness and evil and then try to make it better. 

Attitude 6: Spiritualism.

It consists of the fact that man can see life as if they had never seen it before. They give meaning to life in any way that brings more comfort and joy. The spiritual point of view. Usually, this means belief in something esoteric, which gives life a greater sense. They perceive the world as evolving, and developing to a better state. They see a larger picture of the whole and possibilities that look far into the future. Spiritualists have high expectations for the world and a tendency to get nervous when it does not meet their expectations. They are visionaries.

In a positive sense, it is a verification of the possibilities and their implementation. Visionary. Accord with your own spirituality. In a negative sense credulity, blind faith, and impracticality are caused by the desire to believe anything regardless of real experience.

Their greatest fear is fear of bad luck. 


Do not let yourself be fooled by defeats. Realize that the world does not become a better place, because when some problems disappear, the next ones appear. Do not expect things to always be better or worse.

Attitude 7: Realism.

One of the most popular attitudes is that man sees life as it is. They transforms their experience into practical knowledge. They does not consciously add their judgments and expectations. Looks at all the facts to assess the most likely explanations and reasonable predictions. They collects all the relevant evidence and tries to understand how it all fits together. 

In a positive sense, this is insight, or making reasoned judgments based on evidence. In the negative sense, it is supposition, guesses i.e. making evaluations without justification, without evidence.

Realists’ biggest fear is the fear of showing disrespect for something.

Realists may have a problem with making decisions because too much objectivity sometimes leads to a state in which nothing is weighted by anything else.


Try the elimination process to reach a conclusion. Start looking for things that are bad instead of always seeing everything right.

Do you already know your attitude, the way you see life?

Stoicism and spiritualism are inspirational attitudes. Skepticism and idealism are expression attitudes. Cynicism and realism are the attitudes of action, and pragmatism is a neutral attitude.

When you enter the negative pole of your attitude you are closed to new information. And even susceptible to drawing conclusions based on half-truths. You emphasize separation and exclusion.

When you are in the positive pole of your attitude, you are open to new information. You update your truth to experience the whole. You place an emphasis on unity and inclusion.


Barry „ATTITUDE: Your way of viewing life”, 

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Pragmatist Attitude”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Spiritualist Attitude”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Cynic Attitude”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Stoic Attitude (Personality Traits)”, The Michael Teachings, 

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Skeptic Attitude”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Realist Attitude (Personality Traits)”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Idealist Attitude”, The Michael Teachings,

Jose Luis Stevens, Simon Warwick-Smith „The Michael Handbook: A Channeled System for Self Understanding”, Warwick Press, 1994


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Angela 14 January 2020 - 07:50

What a better life

Agata 14 January 2020 - 10:14



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