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Do you know 7 modes of operation?

by Agata Dzierżawa
7 modes of operation is a picture of a woman astronaut.

What are the 7 modes of operation? They are like your personality’s operating system. Such Windows, OS, or Linux your personality. Each of them similar, but still a colossal difference in use.

In this article: 

  • You will learn your mode of operation reserve, caution, perseverance, observation, power, passion, aggression. 
  • You will learn the positive and negative poles of each of these modes.

The mode of operation is a personality overlay that allows your soul to achieve the chosen goal. It is the way you achieve the goal. Your preferred way to achieve it. You must have noticed it before, without even realizing that it exists. You just noticed that you always act in a similar way. It is like a car autopilot of your personality that allows you to work automatically. There are 7 modes of personality modes. Maybe you noticed it in others. Like a friend who just needs to throw a keyword and she already works before you finish the sentence. Or at the one who has to think carefully about every offer on each side, and even consult with her husband or other friends.

Although our personality structures are constant throughout our lives, we all have the opportunity to intermittently change, that is, to get out of one type and experience a different type for some time. This is the easiest in the case of the operating mode. 

There are 7 modes of operation. Which one do you operate in?

Mode 1: Reserve.

This mode consists of achieving a goal by controlling your emotions. People in this mode are subdued, calm, and devoid of enthusiasm. Even if they excite themselves, they do not show it. In a positive sense, it is self-control and in a negative inhibition. A person never crosses borders and does not fall into extremes. They never exaggerates anything. They are always balanced.

The danger of this mode is that such a person is hard to read to others because they does not reveal what they thinks and feels through their behavior. Others may not understand it or misread it, which may lead to misunderstandings.

Mode 2: Caution.

This is the mode of achieving a goal by controlling your thoughts. Half of the population uses this mode. People are careful in this mode, they rarely take risks. They analyze everything thoroughly before they act because they do not want to make a mistake. They must be sure of the situation because they are insecure. In a positive aspect, they are aware of their actions, precise and accurate. But also meticulous, detailed, and demanding. They go through life slowly, step by step.

In the negative sense, it can turn into different phobias or fear and anxiety before taking action, caused by worrying about all the dangers that may happen to them. They may have problems making a decision. They are afraid of new situations, especially those at risk.

Mode 3: Perseverance.

This mode consists of achieving the goal by controlling your actions. This applies to a person whose way od proceeding is to continue what they does indefinitely. Their behavior is steadfast, consistent, strong, and regular. Such a person is reliable. They works long and patiently doing their job despite the adversities that meet them to do the job.

In a positive sense, it is determination and discipline. In a negative sense, it is routine in which they can fall and can not get out of it. And also fear of change. A person working in this mode often has problems with assertiveness. 

Mode 4: Observation.

The mode of action is based on achieving the goal by observing and taking the actions most suitable for the given situation. It is the most flexible and pragmatic mode that allows you to adjust yourself on the fly. It is a combination of all other modes. People in this mode of operation are neutral observers, going through life as if they were watching, what happened to others, not themselves. They tend to act as if they were not participants in the events, but only witnesses of the game of life. They perceive themselves with the same separateness with which they perceive the world.

In a positive sense, this is clarity and mindfulness. In a negative sense, it can change into a detachment from the real world caused by fear of involvement.

Mode 5: Power.

The mode of achieving the goal by freeing thoughts. People in this mode of operation are confident. They run through life with little precision. They behave as if they are capable and proficient in everything they do. The people go through life with efficiency and strength. They always seem to be sure of what they do, even if they do not know what they’re doing, then they bluff. They tend to control the situation and expect others to adapt to them. People with this mode like to take risks. They work according to the motto who does not risk this one does not drink champagne. They are nervous and courageous. These people like to live on the edge. In extreme cases, they can be reckless and reckless.

In the positive pole, these people act with authority, they are bold and decisive, while in the negative pole they can intimidate others to force them to follow their path. They can be overbearing and manipulating others.

Mode 6: Passion.

This mode consists of achieving the goal by freeing your emotions. A person in this mode is passionate about the way they lives. It is full of energy, excited and intense. The advantage of this mode is that it approaches everything with verve, so it will probably succeed. The disadvantage is that it overreacts to things, exaggerates them, and overestimates their importance. A person so rarely compromises, for them everything is either black or white. Such people often go from one extreme to the other.

In a positive sense, it is a need to express yourself, to be yourself. In a negative sense, it is the loss of self-control, lack of restraint, and inhibitions. Drowning yourself in action. The greatest fear that drives this mode in the fear of losing freedom of expression. This may lead to a refusal to be commit or scandalous behavior caused by the desire to shock less liberal people.

Mode 7: Aggression.

A mode based on achieving a goal by freeing one’s actions. People in this mode are assertive, fast, and effective. They strive to quickly achieve their goal, initiate activities. They avoid persistent and constant behavior and they are undisciplined. These people often change things just because of the change. They avoid routine.

In a positive sense, they are dynamic, strong, energetic, and fierce. In the negative, it is aggressiveness and adventurism. They throw themselves and rush through life, pushing and trampling everything along the way. They are driven by fear of losing and weakness, they behave as if they were the most important and the strongest. The disadvantage of this mode may be inconsistency. They may not perform a task, because in the middle of the project they will start a new one. 

Aggression and perseverance are modes of action.

Power and caution of expression.

Passion and reserve of inspiration.

Observation is a neutral mode.

Do you already know which mode you are in?


Barry „MODE: your way of doing life”, 

Phillip Wittmeyer The Modes, 

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Observation Mode”, The Michael Teachings, 

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Passion Mode”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Power Mode”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Caution Mode”, The Michael Teachings, 

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Perseverance Mode”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „Reserve Mode”, The Michael Teachings,

Shepherd Hoodwin „What’s Your Role”, The Michael Teachings, 

Jose Luis Stevens, Simon Warwick-Smith „The Michael Handbook: A Channeled System for Self Understanding”, Warwick Press, 1994

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