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Centers the gravity center of your personality.

by Agata Dzierżawa
Centers the gravity center of your personality is a picture of feet on a bathroom scale.

Centers the gravity center of your personality. What are they?

Another part of spiritual development is understanding the functioning of your operating centers, the gravity center of your personality. They are the next soul overlay after attitude. That is your center of gravity, which manages how you experience life and how you express your reaction to the experience.

In this article, you will learn what personality operational centers are (instinctive, intellectual, moving, emotional, higher emotional, higher moving, and higher intellectual).

The functioning of the center is to understand how people react to various stimuli around them. For example, people who are intellectually oriented perceive the world as reality itself and are not able to understand how an emotionally centered person perceives the world.

We distinguish 7 types of centers, of which only 3 are used every day: emotional, intellectual, and physical; 2 are rarely available: a higher emotional and higher intellectual, higher physical, and instinctive center that works in the background of our lives.

Higher centers are transformational states of consciousness and do not dominate our experiences. They occur mainly during meditation or peak experiences activated through music, art, and sex.

The main centers are our habitual operating centers.

We can also divide them into three parts: emotional, intellectual, and moving. 

The soul chooses the main center among 3 and one of these 3 secondary parts between which we can slide. During your whole life, you most often use the basic center and the slide to the preferred part is usually a secondary response.  Your soul can not choose a higher center because they are too intense and the physical body is not adapted to them.

Centers are the most significant part of the person through whom others perceive them.

The Instinctive Center.

It governs the autonomic functions of the body: blood circulation, breathing, body growth, and five senses. And also memories from previous lives, survival instincts, fears, and reflexes. It also directs emotions that are not based on any specific reasons, such as liking or disliking some smell. Energy formulas from the last life are entered into this center and transferred to the next life. For example, if in a previous life you died by drowning, you will have this fear in your next life until you change it. This is also a temporary control of those who are, for example in a coma. 

The Intellectual Center.

This center associated with mental activity. A man with an intellectual center first thinks, and perceives it rationally. They reacts to the environment by thinking about them. They calls and defines everything to be able to talk about it and process it intellectually. Processes incoming stimuli immediately by analyzing them. 

Having an intellectual center does not automatically mean that you are an intellectual. You may also be less intelligent but react with this center. People with this center react rather slowly, compared to those emotionally controlled.

In this center, we process reading, writing, and speaking. Very often people place their consciousness in this very center, which is not true because consciousness is a neutral observer of all internal and external experiences. 

The advantage of having a strong intellectual center is thought. Such people have constantly busy minds, and constantly think, and process data in their heads. They must understand everything rationally. Sometimes they even have problems falling asleep, because they can not turn off their thoughts.

The disadvantage of having a command center in the intellect is the mind, going to the extreme. This means that these people are too logical and too methodical. And also the lack of warmth in personal relationships. 

The intellectual center with an intellectual part – “I think so I am”, self-awareness, creating concepts, and coming up with a new concept.

The intellectual center with the movement part is that you are taking action based on your thoughts. You put aside emotions. E.g. preparing a list of things. Very often, this is centered on old souls who want to rest from the emotionalism of mature souls.

The intellectual center with an emotional part is that you first think and then feel. For example, choosing a book to read is the operation of this center. You are thrilled with ideas, theories, events, etc. Such people are very good at communicating with others, that’s why they have many friends. 

The Moving Center.

It means that people with this center experience life through physical movement and action. This is particularly evident in the example of children. Those of them who can not sit still, and still have to do something, are just centered in this way. A person with this center will first feel emotionally or intellectually.

This center controls the learning of walking, speaking, expression, posture, and the mechanics of sexual intercourse.

People with this center have a high tolerance for repetitive tasks and routines. They have very good contact with their bodies and are able to kinaesthetically determine if something is wrong. They have very good coordination. Most often athletes, dancers, inventors, travelers, or surgeons have the center.

The advantage of having this center is its durability. The disadvantage is the energy that can cause people with such a center to be nervous, restless, and even hyperactive.

The moving center with the moving part is that you move without thinking or feeling anything about the movement, eg. running on a treadmill. When you are emotionally neutral and intellectually empty. 

The moving center with an intellectual part is based on a demanding thinking movement. Usually, architects, inventors, and actors have it. In a negative aspect, this can be seen in spending time playing computer games.

The moving center with the emotional part is that people release emotions through movement. For example, in times of stress, they perform home activities like washing dishes, and vacuuming. It can also manifest in a negative way as compulsive shopping or gambling.

The Emotional Center.

People with this center experience life through their feelings and emotional relationships with others. Perception – learning the truth on a non-physical, non-verbal, and non-intellectual level. It is a favorite center of mature souls because it allows for greater intensity of relationships. People with this center are warm, tender, compassionate, and caring. They like to cuddle and have strong tastes and dislikes. They are valued as friends.

The advantage of this center is sensitivity. The downside may be sentimentality resulting from the fear of physical loss (that is why, for example, collect souvenirs) or the loss of physical contact (sense of loneliness).

The emotional center with an emotional part – pure emotion and pure perception, for example, joy, happiness, or sadness that comes out of nowhere.

The emotional center with a movement part depends on acting under the influence of one’s emotions eg. jumping with joy.

The emotional center with the intellectual part is about intellectualizing your perception and feelings, for example, perceiving that one task is more important to you than the other. 

The Higher Emotional Center.

It is the feeling of unconditional love – agape. Recognition on the emotional level of your connection with other people, with animals, and with plants. Emotional healing.

The Higher Intellectual Center.

People have a greater idea of why they are here, what is going on in life, and why everything happens in a certain way.

The Higher Moving Center.

The feeling of connection to the energy of the whole world. Experiencing unity with the universe.

Which center is the gravity center of your personality?


Dave Gregg Introduction to Centers, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „The Intellectual Center”, The Michael Teachings, 

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „The Emotional Center”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer The Instinctive Center, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer and Others „The Moving Center”, The Michael Teachings, 


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