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Personality who am I?

by Agata Dzierżawa
Personality is a picture of a girl knitting.


We are all human, we have human bodies, we have a human mind, human thoughts, and feelings. However, although we are similar to each other, each of us distinguished from others due to different sets of elements (functions) of our psyche. Each of us is completely different and unique due to personality. Meanwhile, we are still generalized and labeled in today’s world instead of emphasizing individuality and uniqueness.

In this article you will learn:   

  • What personality is and what it means to be authentic.
  • What the most popular personality theories are: Humoral Theory, Big Five, Enneagram, and Jungian Personality Model.
  • Where to find online personality tests.

This is clearly seen especially in physical appearance. Trends in makeup, fashion, or plastic surgery make us become similar to each other in every aspect and we become a uniform mass of the same, boring copies. Our character, individuality, ingenuity, and creativity disappear.

We are afraid to be different than the rest, whether for fear of rejection or for laziness and convenience. We want to be somebody without being ourselves.

You remember one conversation during your stay in Ireland with two single friends, one German and another Swede both complained that in Dublin so many single women, and they can’t find a partner. They both wondered what the cause was and came to the conclusion that in personality. They complained that all the girls look the same, dress the same, behave the same, and they also like everything the same. In their opinion, they are attractive externally, but less and less internally.

Yes, it is the uniqueness that is what draws us to each other. Even we say “My only one” and not “My one copy of many”. Each of us is a unique mix of talents, skills, and various abilities.

Pretending to be someone else is dangerous to your psyche.

Authenticity is doing what is playing in your soul. In your soul, not in the soul of marketing specialists. So why do you let them tell you what you should look like, what to exercise, where to travel, what to be interested in, what kind of hobby you have, what to eat, how to organize your time, what series to watch and books read? Like mushrooms, after rain grows specialists from every area of ​​life, who know better than you what you need, what you should do and when.

The Internet is bursting at the seams with an excess of lives of new specialists. How to save money, how to raise a child, how to do makeup, or how to meditate. And you sit and watch instead of living your life. Influencers influencing your every decision whether you are aware of it or not.

 There is nothing wrong with looking for inspiration but copying someone? For what? You have one life, so why do you let someone tell you how to live it? You won’t have a second chance. Look for your way. You don’t know how? Know yourself. You have so much time during this quarantine so use it for yourself. Find out who you are, why you are here, what you should do. Listen to your intuition, your soul, instead of someone. Allow yourself authenticity, but also allow this authenticity to others. Your children, your partner. Stop telling them what to do and how. Don’t meet your expectations? It doesn’t matter. Accept them as they are, not as you would like them to be. Does your boyfriend like sneakers from two seasons ago? Let him wear them, don’t make him David Beckham. Let him be himself and be yourself too.

Life is the most beautiful in its ordinary mundane edition.

Discover the perfection of what it means to be yourself. See what uniqueness really means. Not as a concept, but what it means as your life. You are here not to imitate someone, but to have your own experience of this journey, your film, your own miracle of life, you can only achieve it through the experiment of being yourself.

An expression of your uniqueness is personality, which is a permanent set of various mental characteristics and various internal factors that affect your behavior. It is also the way you react to the surrounding environment and how it interacts with it. It’s your way of thinking, behaving and feeling. States of your ego.

Personality is shaped throughout life, especially during childhood and youth.

Personality development is affected by the environment that surrounds you, i.e. the home where you are raised, the people closest to you. Peers and many other factors, e.g. genes, the functioning of the nervous system, and hormones.

Every living person has a personality. However, some people are diagnosed with personality disorders, i.e. certain fixed features and procedures that can be considered abnormal, and that leads to the deterioration of human functioning in many different areas of life. There are many different personality disorders, including borderline personality, dissocial personality. schizoid personality etc.

Personality is a key concept of psychology that has created many different personality theories.

The Humoral Theory.

One of the oldest of them was built by the Greek doctor Hippocrates based on the so-called humoral theory. He called “humor” four fluids that he thought were in the human body and believed that depending on the proportion of these fluids in the body, people are characterized by a different disposition. He distinguished 4 personality types:

  • Sangwinik (blood predominance) – optimistic, energetic;
  • Phlegmatic (mucus predominance) – slow, phlegmatic;
  • Choleric (predominantly bile) – explosive,
  • Melancholic (mostly black bile) – sad, depressed,

The Big Five.

Another known theory of personality is the so-called Big Five, or a set of personality – building features:

  • Conscientiousness – a feature that shows your organization skills, perseverance, motivation, and goal-oriented behavior. A high level testifies to your diligence, organization, punctuality, orderliness, ambition, and perseverance. A low level indicates laziness, carelessness, and non-discipline.
  • Extraversion – a feature that characterizes you in personal contacts. If you have a high level of extraversion, then you are sociable, talkative, people-oriented, optimistic, fun-loving, and tender. The low level of extraversion says that you are restrained, serious, quiet, and withdrawn.
  • Settlement – a feature that helps you understand how you relate to other people. A high degree of the agreement indicates that you are compassionate, kind, confident, attentive, and not mean. A low level indicates that you are cynical, rude, suspicious. Competitive, vindictive, ruthless, irritable and you like to manipulate others. 
  • Openness – is a feature that shows your tolerance and exploration of unknown situations. A high level of openness shows that you are interesting, creative, original, inventive. You have many interests and are not a traditionalist. A low level indicates that you are pragmatic, realistic, conventional, and have little interest.
  • Neuroticism – shows your emotional adaptation to emotional instability, people with higher levels of neuroticism tend to worry, nervousness, emotionality, uncertainty, or hypochondria. People with lower levels are relaxed, emotionless, resilient, self-satisfied, and have high self-esteem. 

The Enneagram.

Another system of personality types is Enneagram based on a nine-pointed star chart, it divides people into 9 types. This system assumes that every person belongs to one of these types throughout their life and can only develop in their type. According to this system, how you perceive the world depends on what first shook your sense of security in your childhood, which of emotions overcame you most – and as a result – which defense mechanism you developed at the very beginning. 

The enneagram symbol represents all types with a circle. Each type, therefore, has two adjacent types that more or less affect the type.

In addition, the Enneagram symbol shows which types are connected to which types. It also assumes that the emotional states of stress or relaxation cause that for a moment, you take over certain characteristic features of the type with which you are connected. 

The Nine Enneagram Type Descriptions.

  1. Perfectionist (reformer) – realist, obligatory, meticulous, self-critical, and demanding person, living according to strictly defined rules.
  2. Donor (altruist) – a warm, caring person who is looking after for the needs of others.
  3. Contractor (winner) – an energetic person, often extroverted, trusting their abilities, and striving to achieve another goal.
  4. Individualist (tragic romantic) – a romantic, sensitive and perceptive person. Has a sense of difference, forever waiting for happiness, which is yet to come.
  5. Observer (thinker) – an introverted person, curious about the world, with a need for knowledge about themselves, analytical and insightful.
  6. Loyalist (devil’s advocate) – a trustworthy, responsible, loyal, and obligatory person. A devoted friend.
  7. Epicurean (fantast) – energetic, lively, and optimistic person. `they trust life as one great adventure and fun. They always have a lot of plans and look to the future with optimism.
  8. Boss (warrior) – a direct, confident, brave, and caring person. They is not afraid to defend what is important to them.
  9. Mediator (settler) – a good person by nature, sensitive, looking for unity with other people and the world around us. Indecisive, calm, and slow.

Many large corporations use the enneagram to study personality and leadership roles.

It is also a very important self-awareness tool in spirituality. It adapts the spiritual tradition of each type of personality by directing the person using it towards their spiritual search. Connects people based on their spirituality.

Jung Personality Types theory.

Another personality type system was created by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist. This is one of the world’s most recognized and respected personality and behavior models. Test using this typology model is widely used by organizations in team building, coaching, and personal development. 

According to his theory, extended a little later by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, people can be characterized by:

  • Extroverted or introverted attitude – an introvert likes to spend time alone or in a smaller group of people and has internal calmness, while the extroverted attitude is its opposite.
  • Information gathering method (cognition or intuition) – it tells you whether you like acquiring information in the form of hard evidence and facts or whether you rely on your own intuition, internal thoughts, and imagination.
  • Decision making (thinking or feeling) – it tells you whether you rely on logical thinking or rather how you feel the situation and people.
  • The way you manage your life and achieve your goals (judging and observing) – it tells you whether you make settlements first, organize something, and then stick firmly to your plans and specific rules. Or you have a more flexible approach, you don’t like to embed, you have an open mind, you like to improvise and consider alternative options.

This typology distinguishes 16 personality types:

  1. ENFJ – extraversion, intuition, feeling, judgment 
  2. ENFP – extraversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving
  3. ENTJ – extraversion, intuition, thinking, judgment
  4. ENTP – extraversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving
  5. ESFJ – extraversion, sensing, feeling, judgment
  6. ESTP – extraversion, sensing, thinking, perceiving
  7. ESTJ – extraversion, sensing, thinking, judgment
  8. ENFP – extraversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving
  9. INFJ – introversion, intuition, feeling, judgment
  10. INFP – extraversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving
  11. INTJ – introversion, intuition, thinking, judgment
  12. INTP -introversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving
  13. ISFJ –introversion sensing, feeling, judgment
  14. ISFP – introversion sensing, feeling, perceiving
  15. ISTJ – introversion, sensing, thinking, judgment
  16. ISTP –introversion, sensing, thinking, perceiving

Can you change your personality?

Each personality type has its strengths and weaknesses. None of us are perfect. Sometimes you may regret having no other personality. You may want to be more extraverted or optimistic. Unfortunately, you can’t change the aspects of your personality that you are not proud of, which causes you some discomfort. Working on yourself will help you strengthen your strengths. 

Are you interested in your personality type?

Do the following tests online and check what personality type you are. If you want, you can share your results in the comments below the text.

Why do all these personality tests? What does this have to do with spirituality?

It helps you distinguish automatic response patterns from deeper invitations to freedom and relationships with the soul. They will increase your respect, understanding, and compassion for the diversity of human expression. You will get a fresh spiritual view on repetitive life and spiritual challenges. They can help you be ready and able to go beyond ego to reach something more. They will help you experience a part of yourself that has nothing to do with your personality program. At the same time. You must also be ready to experience the limitations and pain that your ego habits inflict on you.

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