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Psychic senses.

by Agata Dzierżawa
Psychic senses it is a picture of nose, ears, eyes and lips.

What are the senses?

How do you know what your reality looks like? It looks like your senses will show it to you. Does my reality look the same as yours? Each of us is differently sensitive. Some blind people have a sharper sense of hearing, and there are deaf people, who have sharper eyesight. Is their reality the same as yours? Is there then one reality for everyone? No, how many people have so many realities? None of them is neither worse nor better. It’s just different. How will your reality change when you add psychic senses to your “ordinary” senses?

In this article, you will learn:

  • What the physical and psychic senses are.
  • All the senses are used to perceive the physical plane: vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, thermoception, sense of balance, time perception, nociception, proprioception, echolocation, electroception, and magnetoreception.
  • You will learn about the senses of subtle bodies: clairvoyance (empathy), clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairvoyance (intuition), clairvoyance, clairvoyance.

Physical senses.

You experience the physical plane of reality thanks to your senses, i.e. the ability to receive external stimuli with the help of certain organs and their receptors located in your physical body. Each of these organs is part of your nervous system that the brain controls. There are 5 basic senses:

  • Vision – its organ is the eye, which receives electromagnetic waves in the visible range (light).
  • Hearing – its organ is the ear that receives acoustic waves – sounds and turns them into an auditory experience. It allows recognition of the intensity (volume) and frequency (sound intensity) of the wave.
  • Taste – is associated with the mouth and tongue, which have receptors (taste buds) that register chemical particles and detect flavors (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami).
  • Smell – its organ is the nose that registers chemical particles and odorants.
  • Touch – associated with the receptors in your skin provides you with information about the shape, texture, or size of items.

In addition to these basic senses, the following are also distinguished:

  • Thermoception – that is, the sense of temperature tells you about the temperature inside and outside of your body.
  • Sense of balance – thanks to which you know the position of your body in space.
  • Time perception – the brain’s ability to measure time.
  • Nociception – the sense responsible for the sensation of pain in joints, skin, and organs.
  • Proprioception – a sense of body position and muscle tone.
  • Interoception – the inner sense, a sense of the physiological condition of the body.

Other senses allow animals to receive stimuli such as echolocation, i.e. ultrasonic reception and emission, electroreception, i.e. the sense that allows the generation and reception of an electric field, magnetoreception, i.e. the sense that allows detection of a magnetic field.

Psychic senses – your superpower.

All these senses are physical senses – concerning your physical body, but each of us also has subtle senses that are found in our subtle bodies (ESP – Extrasensory Perception, Extrasensory Perception).

Have you ever had a premonition that worked out? Did you know who called you before you looked at the phone? Or maybe the thought that made you suddenly do something irrational, which later turned out to be right? If so, it was all because of your psychic senses.

Mention of such senses can be found, for example, in mythology – the advice of the oracles, or in the Bible – the prophets. Of course, modern science has also done a lot of research on these senses. The British biologist, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, who dealt with this topic, said that most people have experience with the psychic sense. Therefore, he became one of the most controversial figures in the world of science.

The senses of subtle bodies are also called parapsychic senses and include:

Clairsentience (empathy)

The area of ​​psychic reception of this sense is the area in front of the body extending from the top of the diaphragm to the level just below the navel – the solar plexus area. In this place, there are numerous nerve networks, as well as the plexus chakra solar. It is the ability to experience the feelings of another person. Emotional or instinctive sensations refer to facts not yet known by your brain. The ability to feel someone’s pain, e.g. often found in twins, when one has an accident, the other feels the pain like their own. Extrasensory impressions are perceived by the gut feeling. They are often accompanied by disturbing physical sensations ranging from subtle discomfort to real nausea or even stomach ache. “Butterflies in the stomach” or so-called “Dumplings in the stomach” are typical reactions.


It is the ability to use the third eye, i.e. the area located in the area of ​​the forehead, which is considered to be connected to the pineal gland to see things outside of normal perception. There are two types of psychic vision:

  • The first is seeing the aura, or the ability to see the psychic energy field.
  • The second is receiving clairvoyance images. You can see other places, times, and symbols you can have visions and glimpses of the future depending on your skills. It’s a bit like someone is showing you a black-and-white movie – something like a silent movie with Charlie Chaplin at an accelerated pace somewhere between the eyes inside your head. You watch it with your eyes closed. It often happens during sleep or when the brain enters a theta state.


It is the ability to sense parapsychological sensations based on hearing. Areas of psychic hearing are located on both sides of the head, just above the ears in the temporal lobes of the brain. This kind of hearing takes the form of an internal sound. You can come to you, for example, words, sounds, phrases, or whole blocks of internal dialogue, as if you were listening through psychic stereo headphones. Sometimes they can even take the form of a song. Or for example, when crossing the street, you may hear the sentence: “Stop!” in your head, which will save you from an accident.

Claircognizance (intuition)

This is the most volatile and elusive of all subtle senses. Associated with the crown chakra and the top of the head, the parietal region. It is an inner knowledge not confirmed by any particular internal or external experience. You just know it already! Knowledge about events, people, situations that you normally can’t find out. It can concern both a specific person and future social or political phenomena. Of course, such information could not be deduced from previous knowledge and was not provided in a conventional manner. For example, you intuitively know that someone needs your help.


It is the ability to sense parapsychological sensations based on smell. Odors that are outside the physical world, such people can sense the aura of others or, for example, a change in weather, or someone’s death.


It is the ability to taste something without putting it in your own mouth. For example, the taste of food that his beloved eats.

All these senses can be used both for precognition (fortune-telling ), learning about future events or retrocognition, or the ability to learn about past events.

Each of us has such abilities and can easily practice them, e.g. through selective concentration. They will also begin to appear naturally along with your level of spiritual development.

All our senses, both physical and subtle, function partly through reception and reaction to some form of energy. The subtle senses receive energy emitted by all people, animals, places, symbols, and objects. Unfortunately, the energies that the subtle senses interact with are not physically discernible, nor can they be measured using modern technology. This does not mean that these energies do not exist. Nobody heard about electricity 200 years ago, even though it existed. Therefore, it makes no sense to wait until some scientist announces that he has just discovered the principles of psychic senses and from today you can use them. Just start using them consciously.

It is also worth knowing that people who have awakened their subtle senses are extremely sensitive to changes in the aura that surrounds them.

They may feel very exhausted and tired because of this, especially mentally, which is manifested by aversion and a bad mood.

Knowledge from your subtle senses can be useful even for the most practical activities. For example, you may sense that something is wrong with your loved ones, experience a sudden “enlightenment” that will help you solve a difficult problem at work, or by observing changes in your interlocutor’s aura, sense when he is lying. How to become sensitive to the signals coming from your subtle senses? Best by quieting your mind with meditation.


Katarzyna Burda „Szósty zmysł”, Newsweek, 2011

Pete A. Sanders Jr „You Are Psychic!: The Free Soul Method” („Kurs rozwoju zdolności parapsychicznych metodą Free Soul”, Studio Astropsychologii, Białystok, 2013)

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