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What are the types of ego programs?

by Agata Dzierżawa
What are the types of ego programs is a picture of children on the school bench.

One of the elements of getting to know yourself and the world we live in is gaining knowledge. The human mind is fully modifiable. As you know, it collects and stores information both consciously and unconsciously. Very helpful in understanding this process is to use the concept of biocomputer created by John C. Lilly, an American neurologist, and psychiatrist, which makes thinking of the mind as software easier. It’s also good to know what types of ego programs are.

These programs are different schemes and patterns of activity that reside in your mind. They make you behave in any case in a given situation. They provoke or attract specific effects, cases, and events in your life. For example, if your program is a success, then your whole life will be so that you will achieve it. If, for example, living in poverty, your life will also be aimed at fulfilling this plan.

To recognize your programs, you must first observe your family, look at the views of your father and mother, remember what they told you and what they taught you about life, and also use various methods and tools that will allow you to reach these programs. However, self-observation is the most important thing.

In this article you will learn:

  •  4 types of ego programs: imprinting, conditioning, programming, and brainwashing. 
  • What can feed your mind with specific examples.

Our mind stores information in different ways.

The most important things for our survival are encoded in our DNA and are hereditary. The information needed for our species is called instincts. There is also information stored only in our personal minds that we cannot pass on to our descendants.

As you already know, there is also information stored in the collective consciousness and information recorded at the soul level. a light copy of your life plan, or blueprint, which is kept in the Akashic records.

The whole mind programming process is nothing but a learning process.

It is based on experience through experience. It is a cognitive process by which a person modifies their behavior in order to adapt to the environment.

Psychology deals with this process, which has also created many teaching theories. The main ones are:

  • Behavioral – dealing with stimuli, reactions, and reinforcements.
  • Cognitive and processual – capture the learner in relation to the environment and consider the way they uses information.
  • Phenomenological and humanistic – comprehensively embracing man, including their social, mental, and cognitive development.

Would you like to find out what are the types of ego programs?

From the point of view of spiritual development, four types of learning are important to us:

Imprinting, instilling

It’s about the discovery of scientists that they made in the early nineteenth century by studying animals. They noticed that in the life of a young animal there is a certain period of time particularly sensitive to writing certain information in the mind. An example of such information is, for example, the idea of ​​who its mother is. If an animal does not have its mother during this period, it will adopt as an idea of ​​its mother any animal, person, or even thing that most resembles a mother in terms of behavior or appearance. This object and its behavior will be imprinted as a mother in the animal’s mind and they will constitute the so-called innate responses of the animal.

We call this phenomenon imprinting and instinctive. It is learning in a critical period of great suggestion/acceptability up to about 7 years of age. It’s very strong and deeply imprinted and it’s hard to deal with it consciously.

A special role at this stage of learning is played by so-called mirror neurons in the brain that allows the animal to learn by observing individuals of its species and then attempting to imitate them. In this way, e.g. you acquire motor skills.

Archetypes, i.e. contents of the collective unconscious are also such imprints. These are patterns of thinking, experiencing, and behaving human beings from previous generations, typical of all cultures and civilizations, e.g. the archetype of a Hero, Child, Shadow, Great Mother, Father, Anima / Animus, or Self.


It is a process in which an animal learns to respond in a certain way to a specific stimulus. A well-known example is the Pavlov method, which baked a delicious meringue. I’m joking and checking your vigilance. He conducted an experiment on his dog. Every time he gave his dog food, the bell rang. Finally, the dog learned that the bell sound meant food. This type of learning is based on a reward. In this example, it was to receive food. However, there may also be conditions based on punishments, e.g. when a mother conditions her child to do something by beating them.


It consists of recording information in the brain during the so-called ego decay, during which there is also a time window similar to imprinting, during which a person can reprint different information as strongly as during infancy. Such moments are, for example, meditation. This moment is used precisely in the tools mentioned in an earlier article about the tools and methods of reprogramming the mind.


It is programming other people’s minds to gain greater social power by controlling other people’s programs. Such an example can be ads that use specific tricks to root a product deeply in people’s minds. Each of us has our own beliefs. A doctor sees the world differently, a priest differently a businessman. However, if a man completely accepts the words and beliefs of someone else, without questioning them, or ignoring their doubts, then they is subject to brainwashing.

The process of learning our mind can be conscious or unconscious. While your conscious mind is reading this article, the subconscious mind deals with everything else – breathing, blinking, or sipping tea.

It can take place through memory learning, problem-solving, trial-and-error method, understanding, imitation, involuntary learning, or through play.

Because one of the truths that govern our lives is evolution, it means that our learning process lasts all our lives. That is why it is so important that you feed your mind.

Everything around you programs your mind, because it records everything you experience, whether you remember it consciously or not. This includes all sensual sensations, work, interaction with other people, the environment, the internet, and television. What you receive from your environment affects how you think, feel, and act.

The content of all your activities shapes you, none of them is neutral.

So, think about how effects on your mind bring movies filled with aggression, pornography, hatred, and brutality. How will such content affect your relationship with others? For your love relationships? They will probably cause quarrels, violence, anxiety, and doubts.

Reading articles about diseases will lead to your health deteriorating. Listening to rumors about betrayals, information about failures, and complaining about others, worsens well-being, apathy, and romance. What does the work atmosphere full of competition, dominance, or fighting lead to? For constant stress, dissatisfaction with myself, and ever-increasing demands on myself.

Now think about what causes ugliness around you. Chinese, plastic, disposable goods? Wearing poor-quality clothes made of artificial fabrics? Are apartments full of unnecessary gadgets, artificial flowers, clutter, disorder, and dark, narrow, clogged rooms? There are flats where you live and sleep nicely, and there are spaces where the view from the window causes you to get depressed. And now realize that you spend 90% of your time every day in such an interior. The same tolerance for excess banners in the urban space affects our mood, focus, and comfort.

What does watching artificial physical attractiveness promoted in the media lead to? Where does constant dissatisfaction with one’s appearance or disgust with naturalness come from?

Man is a whole and the functions of the body and psyche are closely related.

Special care about what you feed your mind should be when you are in a relaxed state. It turns out that in a relaxed state, a person can learn several times faster and more effectively, therefore all programs, both positive and negative, are saved in your subconscious faster. Observe what you feed your mind. Is what it does good for it? Do you know now what deprives you of energy, causes fatigue, lowers your mood, and affects your health, satisfaction with life, and self-esteem? Where do you get inner peace, harmony, and balance? And the feeling of happiness?

Do you know what your quality of life depends on?

Our beliefs create thoughts, and thoughts create perception, through which we see our reality. When we change our point of view, our world will also change.


„Imprinting, Conditioning, Programming, Brainwashing”–conditioning–programming–brainwashing.html

Redakcja Medonet „Neurony lustrzane – czym są, jaka jest ich rola i dlaczego naukowcy się o nie spierają”, 2019,,neurony-lustrzane—czym-sa–jaka-jest-ich-rola-i-dlaczego-naukowcy-sie-o-nie-spieraja,artykul,1733523.htmlę

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