What are the stages of life – the internal monads?
As you’ve probably noticed, human life is divided into periods in which something changes in your life. Usually, some major changes occur every seven years. You may even know the stages of your life from a psychological point of view. But do you know what stages we divide life from the perspective of spirituality? Meet your stages of life – the internal monads.
In this article:
- You will learn internal monads, i.e. rituals of transition in human development: birth, childhood, adolescence, midlife, a life review, dying, and death.
- You will learn the symptoms of each of these stages.
- You will learn how to respond to each of these stages.
There are seven main stages, segments in which there are some physiological and psychological changes in human life important from the point of view of the soul. These are so-called turning points or millstones.
If you are experiencing a midlife crisis, then you are experiencing just one of those stages known as midlife.
These stages are called different: transition rituals, stages of human development, or internal monads.
They are chronological series of life lessons. These changes are experienced very differently by souls. Sometimes they can even be traumatic experiences for souls and sometimes you can not even notice them. It all depends on the individual case. Within each of these stages, there are also phases.
Starting each new stage of life, the monad soul gradually opens up to a new perspective, because each change is associated with a lot of stress for the soul. Each subsequent perspective challenges the soul to expand the sum of self-knowledge about oneself and how its life journey relates to the rest of the world.
Each phase is, therefore, a key indicator for assessing the progress of the journey. These phases are:
- initiation
- integration
- production
- consolidation
- expansion
- recognition
- completion
Each of these stages changes the perspective.
The first half of life is about personality: skills and abilities are being developed. The ego is then in bloom. In the second half of life, the ego gives way and the soul begins to come to the fore. All parts of the self begin to connect for transformation.
These transitions are a necessary part of development (growth). They give meaning to life and make it rich in experiences. Often, however, people perceive them as obstacles, fear them, and resist them causing pain and fear. And with each new beginning something must end, so do not be afraid of it.
The first stage: BIRTH
It starts when the child takes the first breath with the hope of survival. The goal of birth is to live. At this stage, the soul simply acclimates to the body.
How to react at this stage?
This stage is a very difficult experience for the soul so we should do everything to make this moment for the soul more enjoyable. This applies to the whole process of childbirth.
The second stage: CHILDHOOD
This stage begins around the second year of life and concerns the development of the identity of the soul. The soul realizes that it is a separate unit, not a part of the mother or father. It solidifies it in reality. Strengthening the connection of the soul with the body.
At this stage, the child learns to walk, talk, and develop self-awareness. Sexual orientation and center are also established.
At the same time, the process of imprinting begins, that is, the training you receive from parents, guardians, and the public about what kind of adult you are supposed to be. This applies to your customs, conscience, and quirks as well as the development of your talents and skills. It gives you uniqueness. All your relationships from this period, hobbies, and what you read, and watched on television, affect you so that you would have a certain look at life later. It prepares you for specific contracts and karma.
How to react at this stage?
Accept the child’s behavior. Do not punish it, do not embarrass it. Let it. Express themselves.
The third stage: ADOLESCENCE
This is the period in which you learn how to reach the world and are looking for independence.
At this stage, it is common to feel that no one understands you, as well as the fear of rejection. This is a period of deep anxiety, a desperate desire to belong with a contradictory desire to alienate from all established norms.
There may be escapism or running away from your pain in experiments with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, and sometimes even the first suicide attempts. At this stage, the soul makes up for its heaviest karma.
What are the symptoms of this stage?
- A teenager suddenly wants more independence and rebels against power.
- Interest, hobby change.
- The fight with low self-esteem and willingness to match the group begins.
How to react at this stage?
- Listen and talk.
- Do not judge.
- Recognize that this is the normal behavior cycle for this stage.
- Be just a present for the teenager.
- Tolerate mood changes and emotional outbursts.
The fourth stage: THE MIDLIFE
This is the stage where you question the sense of existence and often decide to write a new story of your life.
At this stage, you come to the point where, although everything went according to plan, everything suddenly ceases to make sense to you. Most often also then something happens that introduces a feeling of anxiety in your life. You lose your job, parents, health, or spouse, and start to question your priorities. You re-analyze your plans, dreams, and inspirations. In the first half of your life, you followed the path of success and ambition and fell into a trap of social expectations. In the 4th monad, you got the opportunity to wake up from this dream. You then change your consciousness.
At this stage, you begin to integrate your soul with everything you do. You start to take the right course. The further you went astray from your life path, the more difficult and painful it will be to return to the right path. It is also a bridge between the energy of yin and yang in your life.
The goal of this stage is the detachment of false personality and your parents’ imprints and expectations. This is a time of introspection when you scrupulously analyze all corners of your personality and put aside those parts of yourself that no longer fit.
At this stage, very little karma remains, and more useful contracts appear. The desire to find the meaning of life becomes a priority.
At the end of this stage, you begin to serve as a mentor, guide, and mainstay of society. You start to devote time to your community. Your soul then begins to examine its life task and looks for ways and means its realization.
What are the symptoms of this stage?
- A growing sense of dissatisfaction.
- You ask yourself is it all in your life?
- Starting to question everything that had meaning for you so far.
- You start to see new opportunities in your life.
- Undergoing a major change in your life.
- You start to wonder if you’ve ever known yourself.
How to react at this stage?
- Anticipate the arrival of this stage.
- Understand its symptoms and not be afraid of losing your identity.
The fifth stage: A LIFE REVIEW (also called golden years).
During this period, you compare your life experiences with what was originally intended. You look back at the fruits of your work and start to reconcile your life. It is reaching the culmination of who you are. You feel proud of yourself as if you were doing most of what you were going to do. If there are still things you should resolve, you will come to the terms with them. As a rule, all karma is completed by this time. You have a feeling of settling into who you are. You enjoy life the most after reaching this stage.
What are the symptoms of this stage?
- You start to look back intensely.
- There is a feeling of regret for what you have not done.
- You start to imagine what it would be like if you chose a different path in your life.
- Reviewing your entire life.
- You start fantasizing as if you knew what you know now.
- You feel the desire to give up irrelevant things in your life.
- Unexpectedly, creativity begins to revive in you.
The sixth stage: DYING
This is the stage at which everything that causes death begins. Serves as a reminder not to take life for granted. Becoming aware of impending death may cause sorrow, anguish, or anger. At this stage, you should come to terms with what can not be changed and accept this stage of life as a natural development of life.
The seventh: DEATH
Return to the astral plane (life after life). At this stage, the soul leaves the body. And depending on the attitude on its deathbed, it will go more peacefully and with a sense of amazement, it will welcome the astral plan and the beginning of a new life. Or when it leaves the body in a state of terror, kicking and shouting will not be able to enter the astral plane. This happens only in extreme cases in the case of drug addicts, perpetrators of violence, clinically insane, etc. This will be followed by the reconstruction of the soul by spiritual guides specializing in this work.
You probably already noticed that these stages are reminiscent of the stages of soul development.
You’re right. Only they are concerned with current life and not the cycle of life. Of course, each of these stages can be passed or failed like an exam. The soul can go to the next stage only if it passes the previous one. So some souls can get stuck at some stage and continue through successive monads or you will not finish it in a given incarnation. Through all these stages one can go with peace and acceptance or with fear, anxiety, and internal conflict. The choice is yours.
JP VAN HULLE „LIFE PLANS”, michaeleducationfoundation.com, https://www.michaeleducationalfoundation.com/life-plans
David Gregg „Stages of Life (The Internal Monads)”, The Michael Teachings, michaelteachings.com https://www.michaelteachings.com/stages-of-life.html
Is it possible to experience the so called monads early? I’m 31 and feel like I’m in what you call the “4th monad”
Yes, they are not linked with age.