What are contracts and external monads?
The opposite of karma are contracts and external monads. They are not that intense relationships. Souls can brake or change contracts and monads at any time. They are not binding. Souls made them before the incarnation and they may concern, for example, the promise of being friends throughout life, or being business partners, etc. Depending on whether it serves the purpose of both parties at a given time the contract will be fulfilled. It may turn out that some agreements are impossible to implement due to the circumstances.
In this article you will learn about external monads, i.e. 30 types of contracts concluded between souls: teacher-student, parent-child, husband-wife, siblings, brother-sister, imprinter-imprinted, attacker-victim, leader-follower, healer-healed, rescuer-rescued, eccentric-integrator, hopelessly loving-hopelessly loved, passionate-repressive, independent-dependent, pivotal-facilitator, slovenly-meticulous, passive-aggressive, apprentice-adept, artist-patron, deserter-abandoned, profligate-temperate, innocent-sophisticate, promiscuous-impotent, master-servant, player-pawn, defended-defender, hidden-disclosed, slander-slandered, jailer-prisoner, and tandem.
There are also specific forms of agreements between two souls which we call monads. They are concluded to experience special lessons. Similar to karma, souls must experience monads from both sides. You can also experience some monads with other people to get to know a different shade of experience. You can also have several monads at the same time with different people.
When two souls experience all the basic monads together, both of these perspectives are followed by a love monad or heart links agreement. It is a feeling of total trust and connection that comes from the experience of all possible relationships in the physical plane. This is a very rare relationship that usually only old souls have, because taking into account that there are as many as 30 basic types of monads, you have to spend 60 lives together to experience each of these parties.
There are 30 types of basic monads:
It is about one person teaching something to another person. Something that has an impact on life and helps the student take the right life path. The teacher helps the student in understanding his life in general or in a specific area. Remember that this is an archetypal relationship and does not necessarily mean that you had such a relationship with your school teacher. A well-known example of such a relationship is Michelle Pfeiffer from the movie “Dangerous Minds”.
It is an intense relationship between the parent and the child, experienced in all its aspects. Not every parent and child has this monad, often you can even have several children in the present life and do not have this monad with any of them.
Husband-Wife (also applies to homosexual couples)
It is a long-term relationship that includes lessons typically related to relationships such as compatibility, tolerance, partnership, etc.
A strong bond between siblings evident in the life of each of them throughout their lives.
It is a relationship in which two people will be brothers in one life and in a second life they will be sisters.
It’s a relationship between you and someone who plays a crucial role in your life at the age of 0-14 and forms your behavior, personality. Most often these are parents, but also maybe grandparents, guardians or teachers, etc.
This relationship has a wide range and intensity. From verbal attack to even rape or murder.
This monad can manifest itself in many forms, for example, a supporter could be forced to follow someone. Also, the leader can lead someone more intimately, for example, a business mentor or when someone imitates all life events after someone else.
It can be both mental and physical healing. Although usually this monad concerns healing affecting life. This is usually a doctor-patient relationship or a friend or relative who cares for the patient from the edge of death to complete recovery.
The relationship consists of saving both someone’s physical life and affecting one’s way of life.
The relationship consists of the fact that one person (eccentric) invents original creative ideas, and the second gives them a practical application.
Hopelessly Loving-Hopelessly Loved
A relationship based on unrequited love. One person is in love and the other is neutral, and even if they wanted to reciprocate this love, they is not able to, because for some reason they feels blocked.
This is a relationship in which a passionate, charismatic, open, and impulsive person connects with a calm, balanced, stable, and orderly person.
It is a relationship in which one person, in order to survive, must rely on another person, depends on the other person. Such a person is often mentally or physically handicapped and needs a carer. Very rarely, it can also be a psychological dependence of one person on the other.
It consists of the appearance of a facilitator in the life of a person who causes a breakthrough in the way of being of the person. Sometimes the mediator takes action or says something that changes the life of another person.
One person in this relationship is obsessively neat, the other is overwhelmingly sloppy.
In this relationship one person is impulsive and the other is quiet and calm. A passive person is either unaware of the other person’s aggression or their aggression does not bother them, or they is terrified and tormented.
A relationship in which a person has mastered the skill that the other person must learn in this life. The adept teaches the trainee’s skills. This monad differs from the Teacher-Student relationship in that it requires skills rather than affecting the lives of truths.
It is a relationship in which one person is creative and the other sells or publishes their works. It can also support it by granting scholarships or grants or by maintaining it so that it can create.
It is a relationship in which one person is abandoned by the other without warning. In such a way that it affects its stability or survival.
This monad concerns the relationship to money in the relationship. One person is extremely extravagant and the other is restrained. A thrifty person teaches wasteful how to control and keep from spending too much money. The lavish person can also be a person who has self-destructive habits, and the thrifty will try to cure her of this addiction.
It is a relationship in which one person sees life very simply and the other sees life as very complex. Sophisticated teaches innocent complexity, and the innocent restores the sophisticated man to the truth and simplicity of life. Example: Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
In this relationship, participants are usually married or have a sexual relationship. One person usually has high sexual needs, while the other does not feel sexual desire, is cold, or unable to answer. Both of these people attract each other.
It is a situation in which one person is enslaved by the other legally, economically, or emotionally.
In this relationship, one person manipulates the other who is no aware that they is part of a larger game.
This is a relationship between someone who can no defend himself because he is too weak, too young or lacking the skill to do it, and someone who defends him.
It is a relationship in which one person has a secret and the other reveals him.
A relationship in which one person does something innocent, which is interpreted critically by another person. The person disseminates his underscored, negative, inaccurate interpretations.
It is a relationship in which one person literally, physically bonds the other.
This monad lies in the fact that the life of one person is similar to the life of another person. People suddenly discover that they were doing similar things in their lives at the same time.
JP VAN HULLE „MONADS”, michaeleducationalfoundatioon.com https://www.michaeleducationalfoundation.com/monads
David Gregg „Agreements & External Monads„, The Michael Teachings, michaelteachings.com https://www.michaelteachings.com