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How to recognize the age of your soul?

by Agata Dzierżawa
A graphic how to recognise soul age is depicting people sitting at the table.

Age of the soul.

You’ve probably met someone who seemed a lot more mature to you than his age record showed. Maybe you even heard the term “old soul”. Or maybe you met someone who despite the gray hair, on their head behaved like a kid and scared you with their infantilism. These types of behavior are often simply a manifestation of the soul’s age.

In this article:

  • You will learn how to recognize the age of your soul: baby, child, young, mature, and old.
  • You will learn the goal of every soul age: survival, security, independence, interdependence, and spirituality.

As you already know, each soul undergoes the process of evolution. Reincarnating in different bodies, the soul collects experiences and lessons that it carries with it throughout the entire cycle of reincarnation. This means raising awareness. Gradually going through different levels or stages of consciousness. The course of soul development is called the soul’s age.

The age of the soul refers to the experiences a person has made of living on the planet, not just how many life’s they lived.

However, the experiences are not accidental. At each subsequent stage, the soul learns a specific thing. Starting from existence in physical form, survival, by adapting to the rules that govern the physical world. By discovering its independence, and emotionality, and returning to spirituality.

During the incarnation cycle, each soul undergoes five stages of the soul in the physical plane:

Stage 1: The Infant Soul.

The main goal of this stage is survival. The souls in this stage are the novices of physical existence. This is associated with a large load of fear that drives that soul. Their life experience is simple, earthy, primitive, and mystical. It mainly depends on the current satisfaction of needs, lacking any deeper motivation.

The lesson that these souls must learn is mainly about existence and survival.

In developed societies souls of this type live usually on the edge of society. It happens because they don’t understand morality and ethics. Instead, they have very good contact with nature and a sense of unity with God.

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Stage 2: The Baby Soul.

The main task of this stage is to adapt to the rules and habits of living in an orderly, civilized society.

At this stage, human life no longer focuses on everyday physical survival, but on participation in a social structure that provides order, security, and a sense of belonging.

The souls at this stage have the need for structure. They live in accordance with convictions based on dogma such as religious fundamentalism and strict rules. They are very conservative and patriotic. Tradition and family value for them. They prefer a simple life and are not interested in spirituality or existential problems. They enforce law and order and rigidly defined roles including gender roles. Their lives focus on morality and organized social groups.

The main lessons focus here on the reconciliation of the individual’s direct will with a greater collective will. These souls perceive others as the same as me and may feel confused and upset when others behave differently than expected.

Stage 3: The Young Soul.

At this stage, the soul frees itself from its limiting structures. It discovers and expresses its individuality, practices free will, and discovers the power of independence of thoughts and actions.

These souls tend to be ambitious, materialistic, and highly driven. They are successful and set high standards of personal achievement. Young souls learn to influence the world and perceive others as those they can influence. Their life experience is competitive, hard-working, independent, motivated by profit, winning, and striving for everything that leads to well-being.

They are afraid of aging, and the natural collapse of their bodies, and they do their best to preserve their status and appearance. Fashion and prestige are very important to them. They have a strong tendency to compare with others and like to impress others. They are often workaholics. The sense of the self of the young soul is a unit that competes with other individuals. They are very critical of themselves. They like to collect experiences.

Stage 4: The Mature Soul.

The mature soul begins to notice that something is missing in life. They begin to ask themselves questions about who they are. They are interested in spirituality. Achievements and prestige no longer give them a sense of happiness. At this stage, life goes beyond individual independence. It is based on discovering how to live interdependently with others.

It involves taking otherness, other perspectives, other people, other cultures, and other parts of one’s own being. These souls are relationship-oriented and tend to gravitate toward emotional drama. These souls delve into their inner world and examine kinship. They can feel the things of other people and perceive them as their own. They focus on being sensitive, cooperative, and authentic. These souls explore the true nature of the self, life, and especially others. Therefore another perspective is just as important as theirs for them. At this stage, there is the development of empathy, appreciating other experiences with other perspectives.

Stage 5: The Old Soul.

An old soul begins to notice that something is missing in life. They begin to ask themselves questions about who they are. They are interested in spirituality. Achievements and prestige no longer give them a sense of happiness. This is the last stage of reincarnation. At this stage of the soul’s development, there is a search for balance and completion. There is a willingness to pass the torch before reincarnation is completed.

These souls are looking for a wider perspective on life. It means they are less interested in the material side of life and more spiritual. They have a more philosophical approach to life. They promote the motto live and let others live.

Their life experience is more calculated, detached from the emotional intensity, spiritually oriented and sometimes even a little lazy. The main task of this stage is learning to co-exist and have mutual connections, taking responsibility for their relationships and honoring differences and otherness. Finding unity in diversity. They have very good intuition.

The old soul already has a well-developed sense of independence and interdependence and feels the need to reconnect with a larger order of things, the cosmic unity.

The soul is no longer interested in success or fame. It prefers to do something that loves, and which brings inner satisfaction. It lives with its real potential. At the end of this stage, the soul emphasizes teaching, communicating what it has learned, and showing others the way.

Would you like to know how to recognize the age of your soul?

The best is to do it in the second half of your life. Because earlier, when it is in the period of shaping your identity, you can have a distorted picture of yourself. The decisions you make in the first half of your life can often be misleading and it will be difficult for you to clearly determine how old your soul is.

Why do you need information about your soul age?

Chart showing % of soul age in world population.

Percentage age distribution of souls in society.

Source: Soul Age. Charting the Reincarnational Journey Through the Seven Soul Ages, The Michael

As the chart above shows, the majority of the population today are young souls, oriented towards themselves, their own comfort, and success. Infants and old souls are the least.

All conflicts between people result from the fact that each of us has a different lesson to learn. And also because we all are at different stages of soul development. Knowing the age of your soul, you will understand why with some people you don’t have anything in common. The young soul will never understand the old one, because how can a materialist understand someone for whom spiritual life is important? The age of the soul will allow you to understand why sometimes you feel rejected, misunderstood, not matching the rest, or emotionally dry, and rough. These are the characteristics of an old soul. It will also help you to understand the motivations of others and differences in behavior. You will understand where your emotionality comes from. This is the quality of mature souls. This will make it easier for you to interact with other people.

Read the descriptions for each stage again. Do you already know how to recognize the age of your soul?


Barry, „Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution”,

Soul AgeCharting the Reincarnational Journey Through the Seven Soul Ages”, The Michael Teachings,

Joya Pope „Soul Ages. Learn about Soul Age (Infant, Baby, Young, Mature, Old)”,

By VARIOUS AUTHORS. “The Old Soul. A Definitive Guide to Old Souls.”,

David Gregg „Soul Age by Country”

Jose Luis Stevens, Simon Warwick-Smith „The Michael Handbook: A Channeled System for Self Understanding”, Warwick Press, 1994

Phil Wittmeyer „The Mature Soul”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer „The Baby Soul”, The Michael Teachings,

Wittmeyer „The Young Soul”, The Michael Teachings,

Phil Wittmeyer „The Infant Soul”, The Michael Teachings,

Thanks to our cooperation with Mindvalley, now you can try to discover your soul with the world’s best experts.

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Sławka 17 November 2019 - 10:39

I’m a mix. I am not sure if anyone is unambiguously assigned to one age of soul.

Elijah 20 June 2020 - 07:50

Most people (allegedly, approximately sixty-seven percent of the world’s populace) are not manifesting at their fullest potential, or rather, soul age. It takes the raising of vibration and density of consciousness to collectively be more aware of the true, flexible nature of reality. It is worth noting the more soul ages you see yourself in, the higher the age, the more you manifest. Much love…

Agata Dzierżawa
Agata Dzierżawa 20 June 2020 - 08:57

Reading your comments it looks like you are an old soul. 🙂 You are 100% right! Love to you too!

David Marsh
David Marsh 16 April 2022 - 00:46


I am on a spiritual journey and growth.
I get messages from universe and heaven guiding me through life.
Been told I’m on the right path.
Yes, I am on right path.
I will go on growing my spiritual journey as best as one can.
I will read all on here as it’s very interesting.
Love to all on Thier journey.

Agata Dzierżawa
Agata Dzierżawa 18 April 2022 - 08:56

I’m glad you are on the spiritual journey! Lots of love to you!

Elijah 20 June 2020 - 07:43

I am 17 and I see myself as both mature (subjectively) and old (objectively). I am curious to find out what my level might be. I LOVE to learn about soul age; beyond the intriguing theoretical well is an uncanny application for the perceptivity of real life.

Anna 01 August 2020 - 15:58

I think most people who are interested in Souls and spirituality (in a non religious way) are often late mature to old souls.
From what I also grasped from the Michael teachings is, that when we are born we go through all stages (And stop at our actual soul age): infant (= newborn and Baby – main topic is life), baby (= toddler – structure), Young (=child – independence), mature (=adolescence – relationships), old (=adult – greater picture). Jose Stephens explains it quite nicely in his book ‘Transforming your Dragons’.

They say the old soul age often doesn’t manifest before the age of 35. I can only speak for myself and found it to be true. Although I’ve heard that when you FEEL you’re an old soul you often are one.

Also, I think we have entered the mature soul age (= the majority of souls being at mature level) a few years ago. The (political) chaos we experience but also shift towards more sustainability, equality, compassion, awareness and importance of mental health plus people breaking with old structures on a global level is a good indicator.
@Elijah, You strike me as an old soul. I had my soul type, level etc channeled. Shepherd Hoodwin includes manifested and actual soul age in his chart. I think Troy Tolley might as well.
@Agata, thank you for your website, it’s so insightful and beautiful! ❤️

Agata Dzierżawa
Agata Dzierżawa 02 August 2020 - 08:18

Thank you for your kind words. I totally agree with you Anna. I think in Michael Teachings it is called internal monads I write about it here:
But I will check the book you recommended! Thank you!
I personally manifested my old soul since childhood. I was always attracted to everything what was spiritual, but I was looking for it in wrong places. I remember the biggest disappointment when I was a teenager and discovered that religious doesn’t necessary mean spiritual. 🙂 Lots of love!

Enas 24 September 2020 - 15:52

Hi I’m 24 and I’ve just recently figured that I’m an old soul. My question is why can an old soul be incarnated in the middle east with an African nationality. It’s hard to get along but my whole life was organized to be among multicultural communities.

Agata Dzierżawa
Agata Dzierżawa 25 September 2020 - 07:55

It maybe because you have some karma to do in this matter. Check the article about karma.

Valerie 21 October 2020 - 20:35

Any type of soul can appear anywhere. To say that certain types of souls occur in certain areas, is wrong. You ignore the things that have actually occurred in THIS plane, things like colonization, to cause these cultures that you are deeming “infant”. Are you trying to say that colonial exploitation was achieved by enlightened people? There are many people in America, Italy, and the UK that are infant souls. That part of your article is inaccurate, or explained poorly depending on how you look at it. I’ve read a lot about this topic (when it’s presented, because most of the time it isn’t) and that idea stirs something in my spirit as it usually seems judgemental and self serving. Souls choose to incarnate in specific areas to achieve a certain experience. This should be explicitly stated.

Agata Dzierżawa
Agata Dzierżawa 21 October 2020 - 21:29

You are completely right Valerie. Each type of soul can appear anywhere. However the percentage of some types of souls is higher in some places. I thought it was clear in this article. Thank you for your comment. I will explain it better.

Trav 26 October 2021 - 03:45

I wonder if I can trust you? I’m concerned about the strength of others and their goals. I may be a bit paranoid, but I’ve come to understand a ‘very’ little.

Agata Dzierżawa
Agata Dzierżawa 26 October 2021 - 11:32

Don’t trust me, trust yourself and your intuition.


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