About emotions and surrender.
Emotions are e – motions, which means energy in motion. So, the life energy flowing through your body, the task of which is to motivate you to act. Flowing – not accumulated or stopped. This element of energy movement is very important in the case of emotions.
In this article you will learn:
- How your body’s energy budget affects your emotions.
- How to improve your brain’s ability to forecast your life energy.
- What stress is and what it leads to
- How emotions and mind affect your health.
- Why and how you suppress and displace your emotions.
- And also, what is the release of emotions according to David R. Hawkins.
This energy, through passion, first directs your attention to activities aimed at securing your basic needs. Mainly physiological and security needs, that is, your survival needs. This is to experience the physical plane with your body. First, I want you to experience isolation from the world and individualization. To later induce you to take care of your higher-order needs such as belonging, respect and recognition, and finally self-realization. So that you experience pleasure and your own creativity, discovering your power to influence the world in which you live.
Then it remembered the purpose of your own life and experienced connection with others. Thus, learning your own truth and self-acceptance leads to the desire for transcendence, and finally experiencing divinity. It does this through your emotions, the sensations of your body, received through the various senses that connect them to your mind through your emotional body, allowing you to experience the astral plane.
You already know that emotions are really pleasant and unpleasant sensations in your body, motivating you to specific actions, which your brain gives meaning to through concepts. Just like every time you do some physical activity, you are doing something mental with concepts. So, each of your feelings consists of body activities and your mental perception of these activities. It is therefore the connecting force of the conscious mind to the body.
However, your brain is not your mind.
It is only the physical expression of your mind. Your mind is not in your brain, it is exactly the opposite as Australian neurophysiologist and philosopher, Nobel laureate Sir John Eccles said.
The mind and its thoughts are driven by feelings. Thoughts are triggered by the pressure of accumulated feelings. Each feeling generates many thousands of thoughts related to it. The thoughts themselves are painless, but the feelings behind them are not.
Memories associated with unpleasant emotions are also painful, and this is mainly due to the brain that gave them such meaning through concepts. So, the tone of your feelings organizes your thoughts and memory.
Affection is responsible for unpleasant and pleasant feelings, which in this way maintains the energy balance in your body. Then use your brain to make predictions about your body’s energy needs.
In order to maintain emotional stability, you must first of all take care of maintaining the energy balance in your body.
Surely you have noticed more than once that when you are hungry you get angry and upset. Or when you are overworked, sleepy, and exhausted, you get very emotional. It is because the energy balance in your body has been damaged.
You need to keep your body’s energy budget in good shape to keep your emotions under control. And that means avoiding pseudo-food packed with sugar and bad fats, spilling out, taking care of your physical environment, avoiding noise, taking care of the right amount of natural light, and being in touch with nature.
If for any of the above reasons, your body’s energy balance is upset, your brain’s prognosis will chronically reflect your body’s actual needs. It will then be difficult for them to restore their balance. The circuit in your brain responsible for “budgeting” your energy reserves will not respond quickly to conflicting information from your body. If the predictions are not accurate for a long time, you will feel unhappy. When an imbalance in your budget continues over time, your brain makes poor predictions about your body’s continued need for energy. This causes your affect to stop working properly and you experience debilitating depression, fatigue, or depression.
There is another way to keep your energy forecasting system working properly.
If your brain had many more options to predict, categorize, and perceive emotions, it would work more accurately. So, if you refined your concepts, i.e. increased the level of your emotional intelligence, it would provide you with tools for more flexible and functional answers. You could forecast and categorize your experiences more effectively and better adapt your activities to your environment.
How can you do this?
There are many ways to learn new concepts, such as reading books, watching movies, traveling, walking, collecting experiences, trying new perspectives, learning new words, learning the differences between emotional words, inventing new emotional concepts, or the name of the environment. New words create new concepts that underpin the construction of experiences and emotional perceptions. If you grow up in an environment full of anger and hatred, it is not your fault that you have clues about it. However, as an adult, you can educate yourself and learn new concepts. Your brain is shaped by the reality of the world you are in. Remember that.
All your feelings are related to the fear of survival.
So, all the feelings you experience are only survival programs that your mind believes in. The mind is a mechanism to ensure survival and it uses emotions primarily. Emotions create thoughts and eventually become a shortcut for those thoughts. When the intellect tells you a reason for doing something, the underlying emotion is usually unaware.
Stress is the reaction to a real or imagined threat to your safety and your body’s energy balance. And living under permanent stress causes a life of adrenaline high, manifested by addiction to excitement and overstimulation. Getting used to a state close to the euphoria caused by high cortisol levels. Long-term stress leads to exhaustion. As a result, depletion of the adrenal glands occurs, the body’s defenses are weakened, and pathological changes in the organs occur due to the prolonged action of stress hormones. And above all, a reduction in energy resources leads to stress, and hence disease and new stress. The circle closes.
Your body is a subject to the mind and manifests everything it believes in. Whether this belief of the mind is conscious or unconscious. The more you energize a thought with energy, the more power it has to physically manifest itself. So, susceptibility to various diseases is only a figment of your mind, because the body reacts to what the mind believes.
Your fearful thoughts, reinforced by the information flowing from the media, gain more power. When an outstanding authority communicates information about a disease, the number of cases of this disease increases rapidly. This is because the unconscious takes hold of this disease. The virus itself is necessary but not enough to make you sick. The placebo effect is excellent evidence of how the mind affects the body.
What your mind believes has the power to alter the activity of your brain.
All conscious and unconscious beliefs influence your entire body through your brain. So, in order to change your body, you must change your thoughts and feelings. Let go of negative thoughts, shed the stress that drives them, and nullify negative beliefs. As you change your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, you will find your body adjusts to them. It will then become obvious to you that your physical body is not experiencing itself at all, that it is your mind that is experiencing the body. Without the mind, you would not be aware of the body at all.
The real source of stress is inside you, not outside.
It is your emotional stress that makes you vulnerable to external factors. Unfortunately, most people throughout their lives suppress feelings or try to run away from them in order not to feel the pain or unpleasant sensations associated with them. Then this energy accumulates and seeks an outlet through psychosomatic diseases or other disorders on the emotional and physical levels. And accumulated emotions block spiritual development. The accumulated tension makes you suffer. It is the cause of many diseases and problems.
You use consciously (suppression) or unconsciously (repression) many different mechanisms to suppress your feelings and put them aside so that they don’t bother you. Usually, you do this with negative feelings that usually make you suffer. You move them away so that you can continue to function normally. After a time, you start to feel them as irritability, changing moods, tension in the muscles, neck, and back, hormonal disorders, digestive problems, and allergies.
These mechanisms include denial or projection.
Denial means to push them into the subconscious. The same thing causes the expression of feelings. It intensifies them, gives them more energy, and then pushes them into the subconscious. Projection means that instead of feeling emotions, you project them onto the outside world or onto the people around you. This usually causes relationship problems that result in self-hatred.
Another mechanism is escaping. It is a distraction from your feelings. Avoiding contact with your inner self and not letting your feelings come to you by focusing your energy on the outside world. Which in practice is manifested in filling up time with new activities, activities, entertainment, and tasks. And also flooding this contact with alcohol, blinding with stimulants, drugs, gambling, computer games, eating, and masking with workaholism. It is also such innocent activities as turning on the TV, listening to music at every possible moment, watching movies, especially TV series, social meetings, shopaholism, compulsive reading, or traveling. It’s a fear of facing yourself and a moment of loneliness. Unfortunately, in our society, the escapism of inner mindfulness is a socially accepted mechanism, and very often even supported.
By displacing and suppressing feelings, you lose energy.
It is absorbed in holding back your own feelings. This causes the energy forecasting system to be upset. When you let go of these feelings, the energy lost in resisting negativity can be used for other purposes. Once you release the underlying feeling about the problem, you can let go of any remaining emotions about the problem. When you release and let go of negativity, you will come to your own power. The purpose of releasing is actually to eliminate the ego. You are not the mind, but the one who observes and experiences emotions, mind, and body.
Affection-repression and suppression behaviors cause a decline in mindfulness, creativity, and energy, and most often lead to physical or emotional ailments, disease, premature aging, and even death. The pressure of the internal tension that comes from repressed emotions causes stress.
What you feel and think colors your world. If you are filled with fear, the world is a terrifying place for you. If you are angry, the world is anguish and frustration, etc. You always focus on what you are displacing. Therefore, it is very important to release your emotions as David R Hawkins wrote in his book “Release Techniques”.
But what did he mean by emotions and their release?
According to Hawkins, releasing emotions means getting rid of the internal tension caused by accumulated emotions while letting go. It is surrender accompanied by immediate relief and lightness, as well as a feeling of freedom, happiness, and peace. It is realizing your feeling, letting them come, and staying in touch with them. So, it is consent to what you experience. Let this feeling flow freely and release your life energy. No judgment, blame, discharge, condemn what you feel, or fear for what you feel, and resist what you feel. This transforms the feeling you are just experiencing into a different, softer sensation. As soon as the energy that drives this feeling is exhausted, it will disappear.
It is important to ignore all thoughts during this process. Focusing only on the feeling itself. If you have trouble letting go of an emotion, it’s important to look at the intention behind it.
If you let go of negative repressed feelings from all your inner programs, they will automatically be replaced by their higher emotional counterparts. You will become happier, and you will feel lighter.
You usually think your happiness depends on how much you control events, and you think they are the cause of your anxiety.
So, you blame them and the outside world for your mood. In fact, it is your own feelings and thoughts about these circumstances that are causing this anxiety. Circumstances are neutral in themselves. You give them meaning. It is up to you whether you accept them or not.
Because feelings define thoughts and thoughts determine the result. It depends on your feelings to what extent your natural abilities will be released and what results in you will achieve by using them.
Lisa Feldman Barrett „Jak powstają emocje”, CeDeWu, Warszawa 2020.
Dawid R. Hawkins “Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender” („Technika uwalniania”), Virgo Książki Budzące Świadomość, Warszawa 2016.
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Emotions and surrender. Emotions and surrender.
1 comment
Oj, stres to jest moj wrog numer jeden! To dzięki niemu moje migreny stają sie nie do zniesienia ;/