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9 Unconscious Needs.

by Agata Dzierżawa
9 Unconscious Needs it is a picture of women in the shop.

The 9 Unconscious Needs.

You already know that spiritual development is connected with a certain need called self-actualization placed on the very top of Maslow’s pyramid. Although maybe you have not thought about it before, however, all the needs of this pyramid are known to you. You were aware of their existence. But do you know what drives and inspire your spiritual development? The 9 unconscious needs according to Michael’s teaching. They include security, adventure, freedom, expansion, strength, expression, acceptance, communion, and exchange.

In this article, you will learn 9 unconscious human needs: the need for security, adventure, freedom, expansion, power, expression, acceptance, communion, and exchange, as well as the 7 levels of each.

Satisfying these needs will give you a sense of inner peace, contentment, and happiness, and unfulfillment may manifest itself in an inexplicable feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction from every angle of your existence. Sometimes, however, not meeting these needs can also be positive for you when it pushes you on the path of growth and personal development. 

Each of us experiences all these needs to different degrees. They help you fulfill your life tasks. And the importance of each of them changes throughout your life.

The key is to understand that fulfilling these needs is entirely your own business and responsibility.

Nobody else, partner, child, a parent will help you in the completion of your life task. You have to do it yourself.

Each of these needs has 7 levels of expression. The highest level of satisfaction you can achieve when the need is expressed at the highest level, preferably from 5 to 7 levels. To reach a higher level of the need helps the age of your soul.

The need for security.

This need provides you with survival in an unfriendly environment. Satisfied causes confidence, unsatisfied fear. Somebody with this need must feel safe all the time. They may be obsessive careful in everything, rarely taking risks. They has no need to change anything in their life. To do something they must consider all the options and know all the possibilities. This need may manifest itself in various ways, from a stable monthly salary on the account to putting on warm clothes or an insurance policy in each case.

In a positive sense, it’s trust, stability, and comfort.

In the negative, it can turn into obsessive, irrational fear or refusal to confront life in every way.

Security levels:

  1. Blind faith.
  2. False hope.
  3. Clinging to tradition.
  4. Security based on a theory.
  5. Security based on reliable sources.
  6. Intuition – security based on experience intuition.
  7. Trust in Universe.

The need for adventure.

This need prompts you to look for different forms of stimulations in your life. It is an innate desire to flow any form of adrenaline. Striving for exciting new experiences. People seeking adventure are independent, optimistic, self-confident and enjoy life.

This need is satisfied by the presence and misused by means of drama. Either in the form of reckless respect for life or self-destructive behaviors (alcohol, drugs, sex, or excessive expenses).

This need stimulates souls who in previous lives were too attached to the need for security. It pushes them to. Get to know their contracts, engage in their life tasks, and fulfill their karma. This need manifests itself in many different ways, from passion to travel, to the need to set up your own business, or addiction to extreme sports for the need to constantly change your job or partner. 

Levels of adventure:

  1. Destructive drama.
  2. Glamour/Addictions/Adrenaline rush.
  3. The excitement of senses (drugs/sex).
  4. Stimulation of mind/learning.
  5. Self/Inner discovery.
  6. Essence contact.
  7. Enlightenment/Presence.
  8. The need for freedom.

The need for freedom.

This need is associated with independence and spontaneity. Most often it is revealed that people with this need do not like work 8/7, commitments, or deadlines. They look for mobility and luxury in the form of individual decisions. They do not like when rules are imposed on them or organize life and hate each form of control. It can also manifest in the form of freedom of creation. This need is to avoid being trapped both physically and mentally with the desire for unhampered experience.

In a positive aspect, such people are independent thinkers with high self-esteem, confidence, and responsible. Such people are insightful, inventive, and intuitive. They are often a source of inspiration for others. If they stay in balance, true transcendence may appear here.

On a negative side, it means that people like to escape from responsibility, avoid relationships, distance themselves from others. If you are in a relationship with such a person, you should learn to give your partner breath.

Levels of freedom:

  1. Destructive irresponsibility.
  2. Aimless/unfocused.
  3. Released/unshackled.
  4. Mental liberation.
  5. Choosing freely.
  6. Realization of unlimited potential.
  7. The need for expansion.

The need for expansion.

People with this need feel the need to develop in all directions. 

In the positive pole, this is prosperity and a strong desire to change the world, increase social awareness through art, music, literature, science, and even spirituality.

This need is practically unlimited in its scope. It motivates people to strive for true wisdom and authenticity.

In the negative pole, it can turn into greed or false pride. Man becomes convinced of their superiority in all things, to the extent that they lose their sense of reality. This can be manifested through an obsessive collection of things and sometimes even obesity.

Levels of expansion:

  1. Cancer.
  2. Indiscriminate growth/accumulation.
  3. Sprawl.
  4. Stretch of ideas.
  5. Emotional expansion/growth.
  6. Expansion of spirit/awareness/transformation.
  7. Total awareness/prosperity.

The need for power.

The primary need for power, influence. People with this need are good organizers. They are also very disciplined and usually are good leaders. They enjoy authority among others.

In a positive sense, you can use strength for the greater good. In the negative, it can cause manipulative behaviors, anger, as well as emotional outbursts and abuse.

Levels of power:

  1. Crush opposition.
  2. Oppress self and others.
  3. Control self and others.
  4. Guide/influence self and others.
  5. Erase personal energy leaks/self-discipline.
  6. Spiritual practices to build power.
  7. Personal authority/spiritual power.

The need for expression.

A person with this need is happy when they has the opportunity to express their creativity either through the use of speech, art, music, or dance. Thanks to this need, real art can be realized. Sometimes, however, the need for expression can exceed the limits of good taste. An individual creation can be created more to shock than to bring something useful.

In a positive sense, individual creativity could be used for the sake of yourself and others.

In a negative sense, individual creation satisfies only egocentric human needs. It is thrown out into space without thinking. It can also find an outlet in the form of various lies and scams. Sometimes, it can even lead to self-destruction in the final act of expression that destroys the self.

Levels of expression:

  1. Total destruction.
  2. Destructive acts.
  3. Infamy/shock others.
  4. Work projects.
  5. Entertain.
  6. Artistic self-expression.
  7. Renaissance person – full use of creativity.

The need for acceptance.

It is a need to accept yourself and others. A lesson of self and other tolerance, the quintessence of which the way of judging mankind. With this need, there is a deep desire to be loved and accepted and to reflect it back to others either through intimate relationships, family ties, life-long friendships or close social ties.

A person with this need is friendly, relaxed, well-mannered, always offering a friendly word. Everybody likes their company. 

In the positive pole, this need encourages close links, romantic relationships, and open acceptance of people despite obvious differences. With time, it allows you to achieve altruism and unconditional love – agape.

In the negative pole, this need can turn into manipulation, flattery. It can also mean using flattery to gain some benefit through false behavior, false smile, or courtesy. It also manifests in the direct rejection of others and the adjudication of all. And also, prejudices regarding groups, lifestyles, or customs.

Levels of acceptance:

  1. Ingratiation.
  2. Pleasing.
  3. Tolerance.
  4. Conditional Acceptance.
  5. Matter-of-fact ok-ness.
  6. Love.
  7. Agape.

The need for communion.

People with this need do not like to be alone. They are usually oriented towards tribes and families. They are very sociable and use every opportunity to gather a group of people. Usually, they are great hosts. They easily make contacts with others.

In the positive pole is sharing. Such people are the happiest when they can share something emotionally or mentally with others.

This need, however, can also turn into a desperate need for contact with others that will push others away. This will lead to increased shallowness, uncritical approval, and acceptance of every society, in order to avoid loneliness. 

Levels of communion:

  1. Indiscriminate contact.
  2. Desperate neediness.
  3. Fraternizing.
  4. Socializing.
  5. Mutual closeness/warmth.
  6. Intimacy/communion.
  7. Unity.

The need for exchange.

This need concerns the need to exchange information and knowledge, especially with those who are interested in reciprocity. It focuses mainly on valuable things. Most often it manifests through teaching, significant discussions,  energetic relationships with friends, giving gifts, etc. 

The positive side of this need is the openness of communication and interest in cooperating with others to achieve a common goal. Exchange connects people. It can also be a valuable source of knowledge for others.

Negative communication through slander and gossip may be a negative side. Reluctance to keep secret or exchange information against others, cheating, and lying.

Levels of exchange:

  1. Slander/war.
  2. Gossip.
  3. Idle chatter.
  4. Trade/barter.
  5. Mutual profit (win-win).
  6. Understanding.
  7. Teaching/learning.

Try to identify three of these 9 unconscious needs which resonate with you. Read these descriptions again and think about which of them plays the most important role in your life. And then think about whether they are satisfied. If not, think about how to do it. Once you do, think about the level at which each of them manifests in your life. 

Awareness of your needs and their levels is a key factor in the awaking, that is, your spiritual development.


David Gregg „The Nine Needs”, The Michael Teachings,

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